The emergence of the toothache is sure to ruin your day or steal the peaceful sleep. The Toothache can be caused by caries, abscess or fractured teeth, sore gums, teeth-gnashing, aggressive gum, a recent dental procedure and so on. The intensity and the type of toothache pain vary so it can manifest as sensitivity to hot/cold or a direct contact of the tooth, or it can be pulsating, sharp or constant mild pain. A visit to the dentist is a must in the emergence of the toothache and here the rule is “the sooner, the better.” But in the moments when you can not get in touch with the dentist, you can use any of the following tricks for toothache pain relief:
Cloves for toothache pain relief
The oil of cloves is the most popular home remedy for the toothache pain relief. If you have essential oil of cloves, apply 1-2 drops on the tooth, but be careful not to swallow it. If you do not have oil, the cloves will also help you. Take 1-2 cloves, put them in the mouth to soften and gently press the teeth to drop a little of their oil. You should know that the cloves only stiffen the place to reduce the intensity of the pain, they do not cure it.
Rinse with warm salt water
Put a teaspoon of salt in a glass of hot water and stir. Sip the fluid to rinse the area around the tooth or to remove any food residue.
Keep your head raised up
Raising your head will relieve the pressure in the area around the tooth and it can helps with the toothache pain relief with pulsating. Garlic Take a clove of garlic, crush it and paste it directly onto the tooth. Garlic has properties of analgesic and antiseptic, and it can help to reduce the pain.
A cold compress on the cheek
At a gauze put a few ice cubes and place them as a coating on the cheek on the same side where the aching tooth is. The ice will help the surrounding area to become rigid and you can tolerate the pain easily. Do not put ice directly on the tooth! Although it can instantly help you with this procedure you are doing worse.
Frost on the hand
Rub the “V” area of the back of the hand with ice cube where the thumb and the forefinger merge. Rub 5-6 minutes.
Rinse with 3% hydrogen
Use 3% solute hydrogen when you have pain caused by growing new tooth or gum pain. The hydrogen will remove all food residues and will relieve the pain. Sip the hydrogen and spit it out.
Tea bags
Place a used tea bag when it is still warm on the tooth. This is a popular folk remedy which is believed it helps against the toothache.
Chewing gum for chipped tooth or fallen inlay
If you have chipped tooth or a fallen inlay cover the exposed area with soft chewed chewing sugar-free gum to reduce the pain. Chewing gum can help and fix loose shattered inlay. In this case, it is best to avoid chewing in order not to worsen the situation.
An anti-pain
Of course, when the pain is unbearable, you can eliminate it with an aspirin or other medicines for this purpose.
Do not apply aspirin on the tooth. Many people break aspirin and hold it on the tooth in order to relieve the pain. Never put an aspirin on the tooth and the surrounding gums! If it is placed on the gums, aspirin can damage the tissue and cause a burning sensation which could take several days.
The disappearance of the pain should be a signal that everything is in order and it can make you cancel the visit to the dentist. A toothache is an indicator that there is a problem, so consultation with a dentist is definitely necessary.
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