Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, grapefruit and etc.) are excellent source of vitamin C that improves the immunity system, but also offer many other health benefits.
They are a good source of fibers
Oranges have 2.3 grams while tangerines have 1.6 grams of fiber. The average amount (for women) is about 25 grams per day. What is more important, two-thirds of the fiber in the citrus fruits are soluble, which results with lower cholesterol and regulate the level of glucose in the blood. The remaining fibers which are not soluble improve the work of the digestive system.
Are good for the heart
Citrus fruits contain flavonoids, plant compounds that improve hearts health. Studies have shown that red grapefruit that is rich in antioxidants helps reducing the “bad” cholesterol, as well as the level of triglycerides in the blood. But if you take medication to lower cholesterol you should avoid grapefruit because it can reduce their effect.
They are rich in potassium
When you mention potassium, probably the first thing you remember are the bananas. Citrus fruits are also rich with this mineral that is important for the regulation of fluids in the body, the balance of minerals, as well as muscle contractions. By eating foods rich in potassium, the risk of stroke can be reduced by 21%.
They help in the absorption of other nutrients
Vitamin C increases the sustainability of catechins, antioxidants found in green tea – which is the reason why in this tea is commonly added lemon. Citrus fruits also help the body better to absorb the iron, a mineral important for the immunity system as it helps the body to produce red blood cells.
Hydrating the body
Like cucumbers, watermelons and tomatoes and citrus fruits have a large percentage of water in them (87% oranges and grapefruit 88%). Their consumption helps the body to stay hydrated and functioning as it should.
Maintain the skin
Vitamin C plays a role in the creation of collagen, which keeps skin smooth and supple. Some studies have shown that those who ate a lot of foods rich in vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and dry skin unlike those who didn’t.